Responsible Time and Tech in an Accelerated Digitised World (ROSETTA)

ROSETTA is an innovative fellowship programme co-ordinated by the University of Galway. The programme is co-funded by LERO, the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Software, the European Commission’s Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions (MSCA) COFUND scheme and the University of Galway. ROSETTA fellows will be provided with the highest quality research environment and a training programme where they will critically examine the development, use and regulation of technology from a time perspective across all aspects of life from children, people with disabilities, people in the workplace, to healthcare and social inclusion for older people.

Discover the ROSETTA Digital Brochure here

Launch your research career with ROSETTA’s fellowship programme. We offer an exceptional environment for high-calibre researchers, featuring cutting-edge facilities and guidance from renowned scholars. Develop your skills and advance your knowledge through a high quality two-year training programme and personalised career development initiatives. Design your own research path – explore your passions and leverage your expertise. Plus, gain invaluable experience through international secondment opportunities at leading institutions worldwide. Join ROSETTA’s global community and unlock a world of possibilities for your academic and professional success.

Fellowships will be granted via calls for proposals

  • Contact an eligible supervisor to discuss your proposal and obtain support for your application.
  • Read the Guide for Applicants, Terms & Conditions and complete the application documents using the templates provided.
  • Submit your application

Open, transparent and merit-based selection process

International Peer Review followed by interview.

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