Dr Ashish Kumar Jha

Trinity College Dublin

Ashish Kumar Jha is an Associate Professor of Business Analytics at Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin.

He is the Subject Area Coordinator for Business Analytics and Operations Area. He is the founding Director of M.Sc. in Business Analytics at Trinity Business School (ranked in top 30 in world) and Director of Trinity Centre for Digital Business and Analytics. His research uses quantitative methods, experiment design and econometric analysis to extract how humans respond to technology and information on digital platforms.

He has published papers in top journals of the field like Journal of MIS, Journal of the AIS, Decision Support Systems, Information and Management, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Decision Sciences etc. He reviews and plays an important role in editorial boards of multiple journals and conferences of the field.

Ashish has worked in India, France and Ireland and delivers guest lectures and invited talks across the world. He works very closely with industry partners and advice them and conducts executive training programs. Ashish has supervised many PhD and postdoctoral students in past and successfully placed them in leading firms and schools in the world. 

Ashish would like to work on exciting projects on all aspects of Time that studies how time and technology interplay to change human perception through digital platforms. His preferred method is quantitative but is open to all methodologies.