Dr. Eoin Whelan

Dr. Eoin Whelan

Business Information Systems

University of Galway


Eoin Whelan is a Professor in Business Analytics & Society at the University of Galway. His research explores the psychology underlying engagement with interactive digital media such as smartphones, social networking sites, fitness tracking apps, and online gambling and gaming sites. In other words, how do different attributes of digital media interact with the person’s motivations, personality, beliefs, cognition, and situation, to influence the processes and outcomes such as wellbeing, conflict, and performance.

His publications have appeared in Information Systems Journal, Journal of Information Technology, European Journal of Information Systems, MIT Sloan Management Review, and R&D Management. The findings of his research have also been featured in mainstream international outlets such as Forbes, Financial Times, Fortune, Reuters, Irish Independent, and the Irish Times. Eoin serves on the editorial boards of the European Journal of Information Systems and Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, and has previously led special issues in top basket information systems journals.