Prof Cornelia Connolly

Prof Cornelia Connolly


University of Galway

Cornelia is an Associate Professor at the School of Education at the University of Galway. Her teaching, grant capture and publication record demonstrate the international excellence of her research which is multi-disciplinary by nature, drawing from related disciplines of education, technology, and computing to create engaging learning experiences, understand knowledge transfer to facilitate behavioural change in a variety of contexts. 

A Computer Engineering graduate, Prof Connolly has led the development of the national Computer Science (CS) curriculum, as well as designing and developing the first Computer Science teacher education programme in Ireland, at the University of Galway. She has published extensively in leading international journals and is a member of editorial boards such European Journal of Teacher Education, ACM Transactions on Computing Education, and International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology. She is a Fellow and Chair of the Executive of the International Society for Design and Development in Education (ISDDE); a Funded Investigator of Lero, the SFI Research Centre for Software; and a Senior Researcher with the UNESCO Child & Family Research Centre. Cornelia has achieved significant funding success with awards from Horizon 2020, SFI and industry. Cornelia was a Visiting Fellow at the School of Computer Science at Yale University for 2023.